Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Preparing to be called

I'm going to backtrack to the beginning of my story. :)  Back on October 5th 2012, Saturday morning I was driving in the car with my dad, and we were listening to conference on the radio. We had just run to the Gas station to grab a drink and a treat for cleaning. I remember thinking oh! Conference is starting! Dad what’s the station? He continued to tell me and as I turned it on and turned it up, President Monson stood up and said I am pleased to announce that effective immediately all worthy and able young men who have graduated from high school or its equivalent, regardless of where they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning at the age of 18, instead of age 19." My dad turned and looked at me shocked!! I remember thinking oh my gosh! All my friends can serve now! I texted my mom asking if she was listening, then came the next best part. He continued speaking saying," Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21."  I gasped! My dad immediately said JO! You can go in a couple of months! It was a lot to take in. I texted all of my friends, we could all serve! The boys could leave now and my best friend and I could wait a year then follow right behind them. My best friends Navar and Ben were already setting up appointments with their bishops so they could get started and Ashley said she was seriously going to consider it.  So it began, that day I will never forget it was the day that changed my life forever. My parents were so excited they immediately told everyone I was going.  I would get texts from people congratulating me on deciding to go and people coming up to me in church. All I could think was wait a second? When did I decide? My parents were so excited they really wanted me to serve and they told everyone! Ha ha it was a good push. Thus begin the long two year process of trying to decide if I should go. I was praying with every being of my body, I was studying my scriptures and I was trying so hard to get an answer if I should go or if I should stay and start school. I got my answer, I would serve. I talked to my bishop and decided to start my papers! This was the happiest day of my life. Then the trials hit. I struggled with self-worth, dating, and roommates. I got my temple recommend and started visiting the temple for baptisms; I was struggling with figuring out if I was good enough to go. It seemed that everything was going wrong in my life and nothing seemed to be going my way. I texted my best friend Ashley asking her if she had every felt this way and I will never forget what she said. "If your Heavenly father told you to go you should go. You shouldn't worry about it Jo, your amazing and you can do it. That was exactly what I needed to hear. I did. I turned in my papers just after my 20th birthday, I got my call to serve the people of the Atlanta Georgia North mission. I was so excited. I felt the spirit so strong that day and I know now, that this is what I am supposed  to be doing, that even though it was such a struggle to get here it was so worth it. I wish I could say my trials stopped, that my self-worth went up.  Ha. I wish. I just learned how to deal with it.