Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hey Y'all From Kennesaw!!
I can't believe I have almost been in Kennesaw for 3 months!! this is crazy! I feel like I have been in Kennesaw forever but also not even that long!! I hit my 5 Month mark on February third. it was crazy! I can't believe that I have lived in Georgia for 5 months!! I love it here! this seriously is the best mission in the whole world. :D

 This week has been a good week! we saw many miracles and made many new friends this week!

One investigator is still moving along. she is still following the calendar I gave her that has her read scriptures and come to activities the church throws, oh and most importantly Church on Sundays! we believe we are getting he super close to on date. SUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEERRRRRR close!! we will find out tonight when we go over for Family Home Evening! She came to Craft day with us and had a ton of fun! as did we! now our apartment is all ready for valentines day. she also came and did service with us. so that was lots of fun. she was welcomed back into the ward with loving arms! everyone who knew her came over and gave her a hug and talked with her! it was amazing! I love this ward!

Another investigator was avoiding us all week! it was so frustrating! we caught her at the best time!! none of the Kids weren't home and she got called back into work to go to paychecks. ugh. we were so close! so we are going to try and stop by again this Wednesday and catch her.  we need to figure out what's holding her back from being baptized. Sister Grayson hasn't even met her yet and we have been here for 3 weeks!! its crazy! we are going to be working a lot with her. I was thinking about texting her every day a scripture for her to read because she sometimes has problems with reading.

Another asked us when he could be baptized and we told him as soon as he comes to church one more time. but that was about a month or two ago and he still hasn't and as soon as Sister Garver left he did too. We don't know what to do with him.

Last Monday we learned how to make Homemade Biscuits! they were delicious! and super easy to make! :D Sister Rice taught us how to make them for dinner, then we added Sausage and Bacon and Country Ham to make it a delicious dinner. we had a blast! I think my favorite part was when she told me my dress was out of style. ha ha she said "my dear your dress is very out of style we use to wear those years ago." She is an 80 year old lady. I told Grandma Sally and she said "Your dress is ADORABLE!! I don't know what she is talking about!" I agree. :)

We dropped a Lady who we had been teaching this week. Last week we had a lesson with her and she Brought her pastor with her. He was the rudest person I had ever met. We took President Futrual with us and the poor man just got verbally attacked. he was so polite to them and so nice!! and they just said "your wrong," "that's not right." "someone is right and someone is wrong and I'm not going to say who." when he said that I wanted to laugh so bad!! He then encouraged us to pray about what we are saying and see if God will tell us the truth. We encouraged him to do the same. She started attacking the temple so I started to bear my testimony defending it and that was when I started being attacked. Sister Grayson jumped in and stood up for me. they just told us we were cursed angels. we finally just sat back and listened to them yell at us. so this week we dropped her. she asked us if we were coming over for a lesson again and we told her we had service that day and she kept giving us times she was open we finally just told her we were busy with people who were investigating and reading the book of Mormon. she then responded with how we don't believe in Jesus Christ and how we can't support our religion with scripture.
Our response is the response to anyone who doesn't believe that the Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter-Day Saints doesn't believe in or know of Christ.
As Representatives of Jesus Christ we can testify to you in the name of Christ that we know our Lord and Savior and love Him. We worship Him with every fiber of our being He means so much to us. This is Christ's church on the earth today. We have prayed about it so many times and through the Holy Ghost we have come to know if the truthfulness of His Gospel. We encourage everyone else to pray about it as well. As missionaries we challenge everyone to pray and study our message. We know that God doesn't lie and you will never come to know the truth like we have unless you pray and ask our Heavenly Father.

I know our Heavenly Father loves us and I KNOW He answers our prayers! every single day! I encourage y'all to look for the tender mercies in your life! write them down in a journal every night. see if you can recognize His hand in your life every single day. I know that you will be able to find it. The Church is true! I am so grateful for it in my life. It has given me so much comfort and joy!
I love Y'all!!
See ya in a week!
Sister Hanks
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