Saturday, March 7, 2015

That's right! i am staying in Kennesaw for at least 6 more weeks! Sister grayson and i were so excited when we found out!!
This week has been crazy!!! full of fun stories and lots of miracles!! so be ready!!
On Tuesday we had Dinner with the Loveland family. They have the cutest kids. Taiven who is almost two was cracking himself up! it was so funny! he was making us all laugh so hard!! we did an activity where we had a dollar then we smooshed it and asked if they wanted it. every one except tommy who is four said yes. tommy said "no!" haha so we asked him why then he got all shy and said never mind ill take it.
wednesday IT SNOWED!!! we went to linda's to teach a lesson to her and as we were sitting there linda said "oh no!! it's snowing!!!" we turned around and we saw HUGE flakes!! it was amazing!! so we said we had to go, because the mission president might call and tell us to go home and we didn't have our phone. so outside we went and boy did we have fun! we heard it was ryan's birthday so we went to buy him a Dr. Pepper and we almost died in the gas station parking lot!! every one was freaking out!! they were all filling up their cars and buying snacks and water! it was crazy! haha or their twelve packs of beer. where ever their priorities were. :P we stayed at ryan's for about an hour and a half. we asked them if we got stuck there if we could stay with them. they both said no (half jokingly) and on our way we went. we stopped in a church parking lot and took pictures, ate snowflakes and slid around on the snow! it was a blast! then we got the call to go inside. so we called and cancelled our dinner. we went home and the sisters called and asked if we wanted to walk to dinner. so we did! Sister Sanders wanted pizza and so we walked to Maddio's only to find that it had closed inspite of all the weather! so we looked around and everything was closed except for a place called Cook-out. so we went there which actually turned out to be a cool experience! everyone in the resturant found out we were missionaries and on of the employee's we gave a Book of Mormon! the sisters are teaching him right now!! it was so meant to be! Heavenly Father knows how to make everything work out just right.
Thursday it was clear which was good i needed to go get my blood tested to find out why i was so exhausted! so we went on a rode trip to Marietta! it worked out well!! i figured out that i have a Vitamin D deficiency! which i am so grateful for!! its funny the things we are grateful for that seem to be a burden to others.

Saturday the ward threw a Celebirthaversary. it was a family dance! they had a photo booth and everything!! it was a blast! although we couldn't dance, we had so much fun watching!! we judged a coloring contest . they learned line dances and just had fun partying. we should do that at home :)
On Sunday i get to give a talk in sacrament meeting. i am soo nervous!!! i better not screw it all up!!! that would be awful!! The topic is Hope. 1 peter 3:15. i really don't have anything prepared except an excerpt from True to the Faith (LOVE that book!)
I love  y'all!!
The church is true!!

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